############################################################################## # Free For All Link Page Version 2.2 # # Copyright 1996 Matt Wright mattw@scriptarchive.com # # Created 5/14/95 Last Modified 7/17/96 # # Scripts Archive at: http://www.scriptarchive.com/ # ############################################################################## # If you run into any problems while trying to configure this scripts, help # # is available. The steps you should take to get the fastest results, are: # # 1) Read this file thoroughly # # 2) Consult the Matt's Script Archive Frequently Asked Questions: # # http://www.scriptarchive.com/faq/ # # 3) If you are still having difficulty installing this script, # # you may wish to look at the resources listed here: # # http://www.scriptarchive.com/help/ # # # # Hopefully that will be able to help you solve your problems. Due to time # # constraints I can no longer offer technical support for this code. # ############################################################################## # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright All Rights Reserved. # # # # Free For All Links may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so # # long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By # # using this this code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any # # liability that might arise from it's use. # # # # Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is # # expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and # # make money off of my program. # # # # Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or # # in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.# ############################################################################## This is a script built for the World Wide Web that allows users to freely add links to your page in the sections that you specify. File included in this script: 1) links.html - The HTML File users see 2) links.pl - The guts of the operations 3) README - This file (Installation information) To Install: a) You must have access to execute CGI scripts on your server. b) Put the links.pl file into your server's cgi-bin or rename it to links.cgi (Whichever is required on your server). c) Put the links.html file into any dir of your choice (must be user writable) d) Shoul dbe compatible with Version 2.1, so just modify links.pl and try it.. I am not sure though. :-) LINKS.PL This file is the file that pulls in your links.html and makes the necessary changes to your links.html. It will add the url of the user's choice. You must chmod this file 755 and place it in your server's cgi-bin. You may need to rename this to links.cgi if your server requires that sort of thing. EDIT VARIABLES IN THIS FILE: $filename = "/server/path/to/links.html" Path Location of your links.html file. $linksurl = "http://your.server/actual/url/of/links.html" URL Location of links.html file. $linkscgi = "http://your.host.xxx/cgi-bin/links.pl"; URL Location of links.pl. $linkstitle = "Free For All Link Page" Title of Your Page $database = "/path/to/database.txt"; Path to the database file. This is useful if you want links to your page to automatically be added one per line to a database (for use in Random Link or other similar programs). Must be chmoded to 777. LINKS.HTML This file contains all of the links that users have added. Users will be automatically returned to this document. You must place this document in a directory with 777 file access and then chmod this file 777. You will need to edit the action="" part of the